Monday, August 3

im sooooooooo tired and i need to pee but im in tutorial lesson now
Im so sorry my dear blog for neglecting you
It's been havoc recently
and blogger's been having some problems
Sat was like alcohol night man
Made shitloadza friends by helping random ppl cut queue
friday went to zouk with daniel (not the sp one) and my couz
sat went there alone but met some sp ppl like daniel
the event was like so fucking packed
hahahaha den went for supper w jeremy and crew
and headed over to jeremy's again
having sleepless nights recently cause my back
and peeling
hahahahaha daniel keeps calling me kittaycatzxs
hahahaha a few of my friends also
But there some idiots who called me pussy
Anywayyyyy started off the morning good today
gotta ride to sch from dad
met wani, yusuf and najib
followed by aaron, mohen, jup, noelle, pat and gary haha
attended all my lessons
so far so good
/i guess now u realise :)

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