Saturday, June 20

Why Love Sucks

To all the naive fools out there who still believe in love.
You guys seriously, Just go and fuck yourself and die ok?
Naw just joking.
But seriously, LOVE SUCKS
Why? Well after what has happened I thought about it long and hard

1. Ppl normally associate the term "FALLING IN LOVE" with love. What does "falling in love" mean? It isn't a pun or a mere phrase. It literally means your falling. You got tricked by someone into a game. And then he/she trips you on purpose. Where you'll be falling into this seemingly endless dark well. Like every other foreign object that falls, you will eventually hit the bottom, and it'll be hard and painful. To me, I feel that "falling in love" only gives your mind, soul and heart an incurable ache when you reach the end.

2. LOVE IS BLIND. Seriously, love is fucking blind. It's not like I wanted to fall in love. I didn't ask anyone to appear in my life and kidnap my heart. It's like a bear trap. You walk onto it without knowing it and even noticing it, and you get trap, bounded to the trap, and hurts like FUCK LOADS. You get blinded by the things that the opposite party do for you, and fall under his spell blindly, you'll give him your everything. Until one day, the blindfold is removed. And you see his true colors. Only then, You'll realise you really have been a jackass.

3. LOVE HURTS. When you're in love, there are many times where your feelings are not returned, resulting in a painful void in your empty heart. The pain is unbearable, really painful and you'll wish that you never fell in love in the first place. Ppl always say "love is like butterflies in your tummy" Butterflies your cb head la. When you're in love, the negative experiences you went through can never compensate the happiness you had with him. After bottling up all the negative experiences just to keep him happy, you have an outbreak. An outbreak of heartaches, you're heartbroken and you'll be pushing all the blame to yourself without even looking at the picture clearly. You'll realise what you've done for him and your love for him is futile, meaningless and fucked up. In the end, love only rips you apart. And because of your own depression, it causes the ppl who're dear to you to worry about you.

4. LOVE WILL ONLY RESULT IN YOUR DOWNFALL. When you're in love, you're always competing. What do I mean by competing? This can mean jealousy and war. You will compete with others and to prove that only yours and only YOUR love is the most worthy for him. Be so does everyone else. When competition reaches your friends and family, and you focus only on the art of competition for love, you begin to lose the things you held dear before love struck you. Chances are... you will lose the competition to someone else, and you will be left with nothing, having sacrificed everything to try and win. Leaving you empty and alone.

5. LOVE IS A WASTE OF TIME. Why fucking waste your time on a jerk? Eventhough he's not a jerk, to me, I feel that the times I had with my friends are more uhhh how do i put it.. "FUN"er. When you're inlove. You draw a line btw you and your bf. You gotta compromise. You stop doing things that he doesn't like you to do. Why control yourself for someone who'll be hurting you?

For Every minute, every second, every hour, every day or even year you spend thinking about him or contemplating, You can be doing something else. Stop contemplating. Every second that passes, You can never rewind back time. Stand up and shut yourself away from love. You're missing out all the fun you can have with your friends. Be like me. Sign this petition with me here. And wake up from your fantasies. Here's something to wake you up here.

I'm gonna learn to teasure the ppl who're dear to me and to those who care for me. I will put love aside, Put love behind.
I hope this helps :)

OH YES, Love is fucking disgusting cause it'll probably involve a foreign object being inserted into your vagina HHAHAH seriously.


Anonymous said...

Well said :)

Anonymous said...
