Friday, June 19

I didn't sleep last night. I thought over this for long and hard. I'll take your word that you said you'd reply me in the morning. I know the outcome already but I need to hear it from you. I was was making plans about my life. Hahahhaa currently I'm indulging in the cookies I baked earlier on as a form of soothing my depression. Seems to be working but expensive O_O I want to get over this. When I meet u, I will pass you back everything. I will erase your existence. I will delete our photos, delete your contact (though it's stuck in my memory), remove you on facebook and other mediums, lastly remove and block you online. I'm gonna set free the hamster you gave me. maybe la. I not so cruel to fat :) And really have nothing to do with you. But one thing's for sure. I will not regret. Because I tried my best. I did something a woman would never do :) There's so many out there who care for me. I dun care how long I stay single for. My friends for now are all that matters. It'll take me long to move on but there's so many ppl who care. And I found out the root to why all this happened between us from the start. Your hypocritical friend. Whatever it is I'm quite satisfied with what I did. After meeting you. That will be the last memories of you. Since you're so happy without me. Loving someone is seeing that person happy :) If I cant have you, then I rather not know you. In the future if I see you fall over the bridge, I will not stick my hand out the help you because, this is how cruel reality is. And I wouldn't do it cos you're prolly too fat and will drag me to die with you hiakhiaks!

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